Screw press separators can be used to separate manure into a solid and liquid fraction. Liquid or slurry manure enters the system that produces two output streams…


Anaerobic digestion (AD) is the process in which microorganisms degrade organic feedstocks to produce biogas and digestate in the absence of oxygen…

Sloped screen separators can remove solids from liquid manure at high rates. The manure in this system flows as a sheet over bar slats or a wedge-wire screen…

Biochar is a carbon-rich product resulting from pyrolysis, where biomass (such as woodchips, corn stover, and manure) is thermally treated at high temperatures…

Pelleting is a mechanical process that aggregates solid material to form uniform sized particles referred to as pellets or granules. The binding action is achieved using a


The results of the study can help regulators and agricultural producers to adjust the readings from specific air pollution samplers to enable them to produce…


This book was designed to be used as a reference for training and operations in preparing and disposing of contaminated animal


T here are several practical ways to improve air quality by reducing the amount of odor and dust from animal manure and housing…


This book was designed to be used as a reference for training and operations in preparing and


T here are several practical ways to improve air quality by reducing the amount of odor and dust from animal manure and housing…


Step-dam gutters, which are also known as gravity gutters or gravity flow channels, provide a simple alternative for collecting dairy…


T here are several practical ways to improve air quality by reducing the amount of odor and dust from animal manure and housingiusddaweiufaewfuawefiuhiu


Step-dam gutters, which are also known as gravity gutters or gravity flow channels, provide a simple alternative for collecting dairy…


T here are several practical ways to improve air quality by reducing the 

Using Animal Manure and Waste Water for Crops and Pastures: Know and Take Credit for N, P and K.kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


T here are several practical ways to improve air quality by reducing the 

Composting is the controlled breakdown or degradation of organic material into a product known as humus.

The annual amount of nutrients transported off of grazed pastureland (Table 1) ranges from 0

Step-dam gutters, which are also known as gravity gutters or gravity flow channels, provide a simple alternative for collecting dairy…

In early 2003, EPA issued significant revisions to its regulations for NPDES permitting of concentrated animal

Composting is the controlled breakdown or degradation of organic material into a product known as humus.

Managing Crop Nutrients Through Soil, Manure and Effluent Testing

The annual amount of nutrients transported off of grazed pastureland (Table 1) ranges from 0

Step-dam gutters, which are also known as gravity gutters or gravity flow channels, provide a simple alternative for collecting dairy…

Soil testing is the foundation of a sound fertility management program. A soil test is a series of chemical analyses on soil which …

Composting is the controlled breakdown or degradation of organ

The annual amount of nutrients transported off of grazed pasturel

Step-dam gutters, which are also known as gravity gutters or gravity flow channels, provide a simple alternative for collecting dairy…

In early 2003, EPA issued significant revisions to its regulations for NPDES permitting of concentrated animal KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

Composting is the controlled breakdown or degradation of organic material into a product knownllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll as humus.llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll

The annual amount of nutrients transported off of grazed pnnnnnnn

Step-dam gutters, which are also known as gravity gutters or gravity flow channels, provide a simple alternative for collecting dairyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

In early 2003, EPA issued significant revisions to its regulations for NPDES nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

Today the spotlight in the United States is on the increasing world demand for energy and the high cost of oil and natural gas. This has heightened interest in alternative a…