Chandler Cummins
Chandler Cummins has been in the Ag industry for over 35 years. Currently with Advanced Composting Technologies, LLC (ACT) since 2008. ACT has over 450 facilities internationally. We successfully compost over 60,000 Tons/ annually. Additionally, our second company is CSME, Inc. where we deploy subject matter experts to consult and direct the proper disposal of disease and natural disaster mass animal mortalities. Since 2015 CSME’s have responded to over 100 premises with losses due to HPAI and flooding from hurricanes and wildfires to dispose in over 100,000 Tons of animal mortalities. Over the years, I’ve developed healthy recipes from all types of feedstocks to produce successful bio secure compost for soil amendments. Composting is a passion. My goal is to use technology, chemistry and biology to produce high quality compost faster, less expensive and easier than any other type of mortality disposal. I love the game changing innovations we have created so far. I will continue innovating; it’s my joy.